Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lefts..? In Morocco..?

We headed off to the slab this morning and to our surprise the swell had actually jacked quite a bit and it was just way too big for it. Our guides reckoned that there was a spot just up the road that sometimes works on a big swell so we went to give it a look… And there in front of us was an 8-10 foot barreling lefts – in Morocco, the land of right-handers.

The boys gave it a go and there were a few big drops and some big pits, but we had just missed the tide and with that much water moving around the session was over before too long.

Denny and Abdullah ( then took us to a full-on local spot that is kind of under the radar – and we absolutely scored! This spot was like a Moroccan version of Lower Trestles with incredibly fun and rippable rights peeling their way down the sand and reef bottom. The guys put on quite a show for the stoked groms on the beach, and the locals were especially stoked when Shaun gave them a board he snapped landing an air-reverse.

Smiles all round, cooking waves, and it’s only day 3. This place is amazing…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Would you need any one for figuration in your movie ??hahaha\if say ..pls let me know !!
ill be hading back to morocco sooooon ! thank you for such grear idea!
ride one...